Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I won an Award!

I won an award! This award is for up and coming blogstress', who've been blogging for less than 3 years and one of the next generations super bloggers! I was nominated by Vicki Bensinger of At Home with Vicki Bensinger, In Home Culinary Classes
I would like to thank Vicki for this nomination, I am truly honored. I would also like to thank all the people who actually read this blog and have linked to me. You like me, you really like me!
Now the rules are I must pass this award on to other bloggers. If you have been nominated for this award, you must pay it forward! You must post an acceptance speech on your blog and then nominate as many other blogs as you wish, and, if you have been nominated, feel free to post the above award proudly on your blog! I would like to nominate:
Christy Eckert's Style Blog:
Maria Paray:
Loretta's Design Blog:

1 comment:

Dee said...

congratulations Davina!!